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Bobcat side hustle.

PS: I used to run one of these for a whole summer long project in between college & law school.


I know operating heavy equipment can be fun and satisfying --if you're not absolutely overloaded with work,
and under too-tight time constraints.
Yeah, but gotta be careful too in this “sue happy age”.
All it takes is one screw up and some asshole to file suit on you and you don’t have insurance, a biz lic, or any of that. There goes all you own in a law suit. People - especially neighbors - can turn into assholes REAL FAST !
I’m just saying….watch yourself !!
Nothing wrong with helping a neighbor….but it can get out of hand real fast sometimes !
Yeah that is the crazy part.

If I were to start doing anything for actual pay there is gonna be an LLC and insurance.
I’d recommend running the numbers based on setting up a business properly with insurance and assuming rented equipment. With the ability to write things off on your taxes you might even try it for a year or two to see how you like it. Without owning equipment you could shut it down pretty easily if it’s not worth it to you.
A buddy's son has a side job as your looking at (more like half job) and his biggest problem was with deadbeat not wanting to pay after the job was done. Weekend work for neighbors dying to give you money is totally different from some client that figures he can stiff you.
my buddy just bought a $25,000 small excavator as a rental property owner. He can depreciate it, it's insured, and has paid for itself in less than a year. Everything else is extra.

If you do it right and WANT to do it, makes sense. I personally don't want to leave my job friday and start another saturday, so not running any businesses at the moment. But if you're good and want to do it, I see no reason not to.
A buddy's son has a side job as your looking at (more like half job) and his biggest problem was with deadbeat not wanting to pay after the job was done. Weekend work for neighbors dying to give you money is totally different from some client that figures he can stiff you.
This is a very valid point
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