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Excavating UHOH!

Dude that is sad for this is not bad....... I guess new operator's just too sceerrd .............. ! I've seen them so deep in retention ponds I thought they were going to suck mud and lock up ......... only to witness it pull itself out; the old operators told me if she's still running and can manipulate arm we are good to go...... I have seen these old boys climb walls of dirt I thought only a billy goat could go, seen one steel an oilers lunch box with the Buckett and that old boy could scratch your back with his the Buckett.
Yep… that machine isn’t stuck yet but the operator clearly was.
Probably best to pull it out since the situation lacked an “operator”.
Guys its a nice fairy tale to think that machine could pull itself out of that situation but that is exactly what it is a fairytale. Every situation is different when it comes to sinking an excavator. Whether it is how deep you are stuck, operator experience, surrounding terrain to aid in pulling yourself out, or if you can even spin your machine around. The guy who was on it has over 30 years of experience operating. Bottom line is even “pro to the bone” operators will screw up from time to time.
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