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Mid October tax holiday on firearm and firearm accessories purchases


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Jun 18, 2024
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Does anyone know more about SB 344 that was passed this summer to allow tax exemption for firearms related purchases in GA for 11 days starting second week of October?

No news, no threads, no LGS ads about this, but I think it’s a big deal.

“Senate Bill 344 exempts firearms, ammunition, gun safes, and related accessories including stocks, barrels, scopes, and magazines from sales and use tax during an 11 day period each year from the second Friday in October through the fourth Monday in October.”
Looks like the “gut and amend” tactic where a bill is introduced as a placeholder only to be completely different when passed.
This maneuver allows lawmakers to bypass the usual deadlines for bill introductions and amendments, as well as circumvent a public review process that enables stakeholders to testify during committee hearings or express concerns to lawmakers.
Looks like the “gut and amend” tactic where a bill is introduced as a placeholder only to be completely different when passed.
This maneuver allows lawmakers to bypass the usual deadlines for bill introductions and amendments, as well as circumvent a public review process that enables stakeholders to testify during committee hearings or express concerns to lawmakers.

So how do the US citizens change this?
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