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Zimmerman.. Again? REALLY?

Zimmerman had a few paths he could have taken after his acquittal which could have led him out of financial ruin but he is psychologically incapable.

He probably suffers from some sort of post traumatic stress.

I was thinking the same. He pretty much lost everything, his home, his wife, his life. There is a strong element that is pushing or encouraging him to fail to give credence to their convictions as well as the bounty on his head.

The dude can't walk in public for fear that some jack hole is going to come up an pop him from behind. Stress, lack of sleep, financial ruin, etc. etc. etc. and throws a wine bottle at his girl.

Heck, I had a medic pull a clump of hair out of his wife's scalp. Good guy otherwise and outstanding medic but stress a man enough, sleep depravation, alcohol use and no support channel and **** gets crazy at times.

If Zimmerman leaves the seat up or doesn't flush it will make the news. They the media despise him and are waiting for him to falter so they can print it. They will attempt to destroy him.

Remember he was a model citizen before he shot an unarmed black child. Took a black woman to Prom, help organize the community in protest when a black man was abused by the police and was the head of the community watch.

But you can be the greatest guy on earth and shoot just one unarmed black child just getting some candy and tea.......
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