Recent content by tommyboy

  1. Good laugh - hunting music video

    Here's a link to a good laugh, hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did:
  2. East GA Looking for a hunting club in or near Columbia County

    Guess it's the wrong time of the year to ask!
  3. East GA  Looking for a hunting club in or near Columbia County

    I'm new to the area and to deer hunting, just looking for a hunting club in the area that has room and reasonable dues. And some good folks, of course! I would appreciate any help. I just went out for the first time this weekend as a guest to my neighbor's hunting club and it was a blast. Shot...
  4. New to using forums

    Thanks all, that makes things a lot easier.
  5. Why we need more hunters

    You're actually more likely to get injured playing golf than you are hunting, worldwide statistics show.
  6. New to using forums

    I just imagine there's a way to quickly look up threads that you've posted (and maybe threads you've commented on), but I don't know how to do that other than keep track of keywords in threads you've posted and search on them... is there an easier way? Thanks for any help.
  7. E Looking for a hunting club in Columbia County

    I'm new to the area and to deer hunting, just looking for a hunting club in the area that has room and reasonable dues. And some good folks, of course! I would appreciate any help. I just went out for the first time this weekend as a guest to my neighbor's hunting club and it was a blast. Shot...
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