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  1. New Rules Preview

    One that pushes, but doesn't cross the boundary, that still gives geauxlsu a mild stiffy.
  2. Rules Input

    No change
  3. Trades / Firearms / Limit

    You've earned this. Keep up the good work.
  4. Competition category for talk and up coming events/ questions

    I'd like to get an online competition going too. I've started several but there's never much participation and it peters out quickly.
  5. Checking pricing on sold items.

    Probably half of all the old ads, I would bet.
  6. Checking pricing on sold items.

    Even if you could see them, you still wouldn't know what was negotiated.
  7. 2014 Meet-Up Ideas

    At least someplace on the east-side.
  8. Crazy

    Looks like he just bumped them all.
  9. Vote for the next ODT lower design!

    I think the odt logo might get ruined to put it on the lower, but I would definitely buy 1, 3 or 4. Especially 4 if it had the liberty/death selector.
  10. New Forum Suggestions

    How about one for musicians? I could be a way for amateur musicians to get together. We could have one for gardeners, vegetable and seed swapping. Maybe there enough home brewers to support one, too.
  11. New Gen 4 Shirt Ideas?

    Gen2, if you are going to do a reissue.
  12. Rule Change

    So, if the mods are removing smileys and GLWSs, that means they think it is priced too high. Does that means removing smileys and GLWSs is a negative price comment and is not allowed?
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