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  1. The Boomer Fudd Mindset

    Real guitar players have every version of every guitar ever made... ...just like real gun collectors have every version of every firearm category ever made. These are called "collector sets"! Just sayin'
  2. “Not open for further responses”

    Big schtick, small d*&ck! It's only the interweb - there IS life beyond the interweb.
  3. 22 magnum price rant

    You're missing the point, my friend. This is TARGET ammo, which means it hits the target each and every time you shoot it. Aren't you willing to pay a little more for 100% hits and kills?
  4. Inappropriate communication stupid texts and unwillingness to have a phone conversation.

    Normally, I would have said that people like that need a kick in the balls, but in today's world, you would likely miss because there are no balls to be kicked.
  5. Do you just assume all new members are plants?

    I hear all those with renditions of the 'Merican flag as their profile pic were plants, too. Anybody else hear that?
  6. Updates for Gun Sales

    Just picked this up yesterday. Did I do ok at TreeFiddy$
  7. Updates for Gun Sales

    Not necessarily true!
  8. Ga Gun Store Won't Sell to Flippers

    Cause it's S&W! People collect S&W. They FLIP Glocks because, let's face reality, they're not really worth collecting anyways.
  9. Ga Gun Store Won't Sell to Flippers

    Wait a minute... I must be a flipper because when I get a really cool new toy I'm prone to doing back-flips out of pure joy. I never sell anything intentionally to a "flipper" but I did recently find out someone I sold something to IS a flipper. They are now banned from anything else in my...
  10. Why are you paying $1 per round for ammo?

    Well, I have SIX because I saved my pennies and bought a SIX SHOOTER rather than one of those cheapie 5-shotters. Polished, too!
  11. HOW BOUT

    Ima gotz some 9mm fer sail. 100 rounds fer $18 cash muuny. Sorry it's SPM already. Gotz 4 lowball offuhs whilst I were typin' thisa here ad.
  12. No **** Hornaday 20 rounds 65 Creedmoor $135.00 1 box

    There's a 9mm listing up right now for 1.13 per round!
  13. "New Members"

    ...and I thought I was only on that "gubmint" list!
  14. Price gouging and anti gun

    WTF country are you from? Are you using a translator or something? I've rarely experienced anyone that has a poorer command of the English language. Lesson for the day: put down your keyboard and pick up a dictionary.
  15. Price gouging and anti are all the same.

    Wow, obviously you never took (or paid attention in) an English class in school. Your points are all lost to your ignorance of the language. Sorry.
  16. when did all the ammo prices jump up???

    Somebody be smokin' sumpin!
  17. when did all the ammo prices jump up???

    I dare ya too run across my yard with antifuk garb on, you'll find out what this old geezer can do with a moving target!
  18. Regarding the $950 - 9mm ammo.....

    What is this thing you call "ammo?" It sounds very interesting. What does it do? What is its purpose? I've read of such things in old books.
  19. 1/12/2021 Price/Ammo Rant

    Well, my 7-figure ammo inventory is looking good right now, I'd say. At $3.50 per round for .22 LR, I should be able to buy myself to Washington where I can then make some SERIOUS money by oppressing the commoners. OCD does have some benefits.
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