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  1. Stoned/Drunk Thoughts

    You can lead a horse to water, but that don't make it right.
  2. Well this should do it…whatever IT is

    I need that for removing the LEFT LANE LOSERS poking along at 55mph on Hwy 74. BAM! "Get off the road, Sunday driver," as Otis once said on The Andy Griffith Show.
  3. Well it’s that time of year to climb down from the deer stand

    My wife's niece is married to a 140lb Frenchman who wears a onesy. Not kidding......We went to their place one Christmas morning a few years ago and he had that on. I just shook my head in amazement.
  4. You might be a redneck

    they always wanted a basement.
  5. UPDATE No more for me

    I love hot & humid summers in GA. I do not like it when the temps drop below 60.
  6. I said “no playing in the house”

    Looks like my living room after my Lab got through with it.
  7. Me too 👀

    no kiddin. 63 got here in about 25 years. to quote Steve Miller, "Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin into the future....."
  8. I gotta go P

    yep. my mind reminds me of this just about every hour. tinkle, tinkle.....
  9. A Very Serious Question

    my 94 yr old mama. sharp as a tack mentally!
  10. Apparently they need a kickstand down prior to getting off

    he evidently doesn't know how to counter steer. that chair is capable of so much more.
  11. Bob had 32 teeth

    I've seen the unedited version of this. His lower jaw is GONE in a picture from a hospital. It's no longer there. How he was still alive I never knew. I felt so sorry for him. I wonder whatever happened to him.
  12. When the minivan gets rear ended and you have an extra truck bed in the backyard

    that must be one of them custom jobs......

    that reminds me of the time a friend of mine and I were at a strip club in ATL in the early 80's. We'd run out of dollar bills for the garter belts. I noticed that my friend had written something on a napkin. He motioned for the dancer to dance towards him. He slipped the napkin into her...

    Sorry, it's a curse I have. One of my father's majors was English. Spelling and punctuation jump out at us.....smh.

    LED not LEAD. Just saying....
  16. Experiment

    Some folks need loppers. Don't forget the ear hair.

    my wife and I are just 2 months short of 35 years. It has gone by in a flash! Her favorite shows are on Hallmark and TLC. When she turns on MURDER SHE WROTE the dog and I go upstairs and watch man stuff on another tv.
  18. When the Liquor stow fixing to close…….

    Is this a trot, a gallop or a canter? Whatever it is, it's hauling ass! And SMOOTH in the saddle.
  19. Stupid signs you’ve seen

    In the bathroom of the Pine Mtn IGA where I worked as a kid there was a sign that said, "We aim to please. You aim, too, please."
  20. Well...caption this

    .....where Democrats come from.....
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