10-27 Hunt

Hit a nice buck at 645 and he ran down toward the swampy area of the property. Brother came down and we searched 2 hours with no luck. Heading back down early tomorrow and see if I can find and recover the buck. Just using led headlights , hard to see very far in the cover. Cool night, so I have that going for me.
Hit a nice buck at 645 and he ran down toward the swampy area of the property. Brother came down and we searched 2 hours with no luck. Heading back down early tomorrow and see if I can find and recover the buck. Just using led headlights , hard to see very far in the cover. Cool night, so I have that going for me.
Good luck any blood
No blood that I found; but not uncommon. Buck ran down hill with his head and tail down running low. No jumping and every one that I have hit and it has ran like this is within 100 yards. There is a swampy area and a lot of thick cover that you can't see into very well at night with a small light. He can only go so far as he will end up in the lake. Guessing that I will find him on the other side of the creek in the thick stuff behind a log most likely.
No blood that I found; but not uncommon. Buck ran down hill with his head and tail down running low. No jumping and every one that I have hit and it has ran like this is within 100 yards. There is a swampy area and a lot of thick cover that you can't see into very well at night with a small light. He can only go so far as he will end up in the lake. Guessing that I will find him on the other side of the creek in the thick stuff behind a log most likely.
Well, did you find him????
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