About to do my first European mount!

Boil it outside. It is a little smelly.
1. Clean off as much meat and hide as possible before starting to boil the head (remove the eyes too). Put a coat hanger that you've untwisted in the brain cavity and give it a good swirling to break up the brain.
2. In a big pot start the water boiling with a handful of borax added.
3. Boil the head for about 45 minutes and take it out and start picking and pulling the meat and extra off. At this point you'll know if the head should stay in a boil or you should turn the heat down. It is better to boil it longer in simmering water than shorter in a heavy boil and break up the smaller bones.
4. Keep adding water as needed to keep the skull covered and keep checking the skull every 30-45 minutes until you've got all the meat, connective tissue, and brain out of it. The sinus cavity and brain will be the hardest but be patient and don't break up the small bones. Your mount will look better for it.
5. Fill a sink or tub with cool water, a few ounces of a de-greasing cleaner, and a splash of bleach and drop the cleaned head into the water keeping the brown part of the antlers out of the water. You can use some of the water and a toothbrush to wash the base of the exposed antlers where the grease turned them dark from the boiling. Leave the head in this solution for about 30-45 min.
6. Take the head out and hang it to dry.
7. Optional... Bleach it again with Sally's #50 from the beauty store to make it super white...paint it with a thin layer of Elmer's Glue to seal it and put a dull finish to it.




Lots of videos on Youtube on how to do Euro mounts. I learned the hard way back in the day when there was no Youtube, but there is nothing to it. It can be done in a few hours.
Well since page 2 is a buzz kill.

I put arm and hammer washing baking soda in the water when I first boil it. Turns the meat like jelly.
But If you are working on it and can't finish that day let it cool down then freeze it don't let it sit out thats when the staining happens.

I've got a doe's head I've got to do and a big hog head I've got to finish. In the freezer right now I can only handle that boiling so much I smell the lovly smell of boiling nasty hog flesh for days. Do it away from the house too.
Yes, in the summer in Germany you can go to the swimbad and see hot babes in bikinis with unshaved legs and hairy arm-pits. Very enticing.
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