Colt 6920 AR-15- $895

Aren’t the CR6920 junk? I have a couple m4 carbine with serial starting with LE and I’ve always been told to stay far away from the cr6920. Anybody else got any info on this?

Internet forum BS

They are the same gun.

Colt tried to migrate for LE6920 to the SP6920 first but a bunch of police departments had a cow since the SP690 wasn’t approved for procurement.

Colt added some digits to the SN and went back to the LE6920 for a period of 3 years iirc. They were clear that when they had exhausted those serial numbers they were moving away from the LE prefix and the new rifles would be CR prefix. That gave department’s time to get the new model numbers approved.

LE prefix is a left over byproduct of Colt stabbing American gun owners in the back during the AWB years.

LE prefix guns were not available to the general public and were law enforcement/export use only.

There is zero difference between an LE6920 and a CR6920 other than markings and accessories that vary by model.
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