FatFriend Closeup

Words cannot describe how nice these knives look and feel. My wife and I could not be more pleased with how they turned out. Exceeded all expectations. A W E S O M E!! Our son loves knives, and on Christmas morning he will get to open a knife that he will love and use for a lifetime. Justin is a gentleman and a craftsman and it was worth driving from the country to inside the perimeter in the danged rain to meet and chat with him. I'm gonna take these and show them off to all of my knife loving friends and get them hooked on FatFriends blades. These are that nice! Thank you again brother.
Words cannot describe how nice these knives look and feel. My wife and I could not be more pleased with how they turned out. Exceeded all expectations. A W E S O M E!! Our son loves knives, and on Christmas morning he will get to open a knife that he will love and use for a lifetime. Justin is a gentleman and a craftsman and it was worth driving from the country to inside the perimeter in the danged rain to meet and chat with him. I'm gonna take these and show them off to all of my knife loving friends and get them hooked on FatFriends blades. These are that nice! Thank you again brother.
Thank you! Those are very kind words and mean a great deal to hear from customers. It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife, and really hope your boy enjoys his!
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