Forbes Top Fortress Homes

The ski lodge is beautiful but completely dependant on electricity to secure. So is the one in LA. They said it needed a card key to move from room to room. Easy to get trapped and invasion just means busting down doors.

A moat is nice but I can swim? Got sharks?, Gators as Pinkney mentioned? Going to mount 24/7 watches on all sides?

The concrete block is ugly and AWESOME! That's secure. I do hope they have non-powered redundancies for the shutters and walls thoough.

The "teletubby" house is half a good idea. Personally I lean towards a Hobbit home with steel and stone at the outside access points. Dig into a hill, harden it with rebar reinforced concrete, sheath it in steel then water proof the exterior. Manually backup every electric powered function. Move air intakes far from the home and disguised/hidden AND hardened. At least one emergency tunnel out to secure, concealed locations. All I need is the right numbers on a Powerball or Mega Millions ticket and I can start construction.

You have to anticipate every possible can't be too careful...LOL

an underground concrete cube house surrounded by a moat with all that security card stuff......that would be bad a**
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