Latest Feedback
As always, great trader - deal with confidence!!!!!
- Trader
- SgtTackleberry (71)
This man already has plenty of positive reviews, but I'll add one more anyway. Thanks for the smooth transaction.
- Buyer
- DowntownBrown (9)
Excellent trader, great communication. A+++
- Trader
- Zackary bell (80)
Great dude to deal with A+++
- Trader
- monkeyman26 (5)
- Seller
- aman122 (6)
Awesome guy!
- Trader
- mayhutbui (3)
Another smooth transaction, look forward to future deals!
- Buyer
- Dblanchard (24)
Great guy, went above and beyond trying to find a gun I Wanted and to make the trade work.
- Trader
- Dallas Firearms (30)
- Visit deal thread
Yet another great trade with Gus. A+++
- Trader
- Chrisl54 (610)
A*** dude
- Trader
- Hired Guns (157)