309 Kids Died of Covid - CDC

2009 swine flu outbreak was 15 times deadlier:
WHO under reported the number of deaths by at least 15 times. How can we trust anything the government tells us.

You can start by reading the article that you link. FFS

"Those were only the deaths confirmed by lab testing, which the WHO itself warned was a gross underestimate because the deaths of people without access to the health system go uncounted, and because the virus is not always detectable after a victim dies."

No reason for mistrust here.

All of you complaining about how covid deaths are 'over-counted'. Well, they counted the swine flu numbers as confirmed cases only and were LOW by a factor of 15. That makes the potential for covid deaths worldwide to actually be astronomically higher.

Also, total deaths were under 300k worldwide for swine flu. Covid had worse months.
I do understand that it is confusing. I'll do my best to explain it, using round numbers and ballparks to get the gist of it...

If the number was what you said it's not, it would be much simpler, but less accurate.

Here's some of the problems:
- There is some uncertainty in each number. Data is collected from all over the country, errors are expected.
- There are trends to consider (for example deaths from violent crime decreasing). Heart attacks increasing. I don't know but I think you get the general idea.
- Then there are other factors that affect overall death toll like the fact that the population is increasing. The number of deaths in 2016 doesn't correlate to 2021 if we have a 5% population increase in that time.

If you just took the straight average from the last 5 yrs and compared it to 2021, the number of excess deaths would look WORSE than what they are showing, if for nothing else just due to population increases.

Basically, they are making an educated guess as to how many deaths should have been expected in 2021. They provide a range to account for the fact that it's a guess. They can't say there should have been 2.8M deaths in 2021 and be taken seriously. Instead, they say there should have been between 2.7M to 2.9M deaths in 2021.

Now, we know there were about 3.4M deaths in the last year. That means that the "excess deaths" are 500k to 700k. They use the midpoint of that to come up with 600k. (again, I'm just using round numbers here).

Like I've said before, you could take the low end estimate and then take it down another 20% just because... we'd still be at 400k deaths and that is way too many, IMO.
If I could place any trust in the underlying data I would debate this issue.
Personally, I have have zero confidence in the way the government collects and reports its “data”.
So, if the collection process is biased/ flawed/corrupted/manipulated in any way...the conclusions from such data are meaningless.
CDC, NIH, WHO have proven themselves to be pawns of the political process.
Their reports are not worth analyzing...
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