AITA for not training folks for free?

I made a comment a while back, stating that I don't train folks for free, and that I guess I'm an ass for stating so. Apparently, it pissed at least a few folks off.

It COSTS me money to train someone. Costs me money just to take a friend to the range to plink around. Costs me money to take myself to range and just train MYSELF, all by my lonesome.

As a professional Instructor with an LLC, I maintain over $3 million in professional liability insurance, which I pay a yearly fee for. Goes everywhere I go.

I train on a piece of private property that isn't open to the public. I pay to use that.

My paper/cardboard/steel/moving targets, 1x2's, spray paint, batteries, timers, and target frames are all paid for by me. They get shot up/wore out/used up, they have to be replaced. Fuel to get to the range and back, and whatever ammo I shoot while demonstrating.

By far, the biggest expense to me is the time that I expend. Now that I'm "retired", I have 4 jobs. I'm at my full-time job 5 days a week. I try and take care of what I need to do for my other 3 jobs on the 2 days that I am "off".

My go-to plan for my 2 days off per week is to spend as much of that time as possible with my family. If I'm going to do anything for anyone for free on those 2 days, it will be my family, not a stranger I met on the internet. Folks that want me to take time away from my family will have to pay for that time. To do otherwise would mean that I value time spent with strangers as much as the time I spend with my family. Not even close.

I never ask anyone to do anything with compensation. To do otherwise means that I do not value their time, which is an insult.

Semper Fi!
People don't understand self employment. When your self employed everything you do has a cost associated with it. I've been self employed 23 years. I understand what your saying.
When I stated that I don't train folks for free, I got called:

-someone who has never seen combat (damn, gotta call Kansas City and tell the USMC to take back that Combat Action Ribbon)
-a KKK member
-a racist
- an anti-Semite
-"washed up marine with no skills"..........OK, I am a bit washed up, I can't do some of the stuff now that I could do when I was in the Corps.........

And that was just by 1 member! LOL
WTF who said that ****? Most people on the internet are assholes for sure. Just ignore them my friend.
It was one of the most disjointed, incorrect rants I’ve ever seen. I still think he’s got me confused with someone else.

I asked him to show me the posts that show me to be a KKK member/racist/anti-Semite, but there’s been no reply for several weeks now.
Obviously, somehow this nutcase has confused you with me :lol:
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