Craziest thing happened to us tonight

332 area code is Manhattan. Of course that don't mean squat.

Glad you all are OK and there was not any other weirdness that happened.

That's really bizarre!
Just to give a little perspective, we were riding 55mph and just hit the next street to assess the damage. Not like we’re in a populated area, I just wanted to make sure someone didn’t die and the vehicle was safe to drive with my kids inside. I approached him after he started yelling and did not let him get very close to the vehicle. 20 yards or so. Not everything started to click until we arrived home but I didn’t feel any imminent danger to us at the time other than I thought he may have had something to do with it but couldn’t prove anything.
Recklessly brandishing my firearm and yelling commands at someone seemed a little excessive given his demeanor.

There is no question he had something to do with it. What else could have happened if it wasn’t the freak with blonde dreads and face tats, who came up out of nowhere, in the middle of nowhere, speaking jibber jabber and acting all kinds of weird right after something hit your vehicle? And that “card”? It appears to be gibberish scribbled on notebook paper.

I would keep an eye out for that thing around the area, and tell everyone I know.
the most idiotic or funny is thing is when you "press check it". stopped reading there, i mean, where will the bullet go if it was already there? reminds me of those people on Instagram, what a coincidence
Bet that sounded cool to all your operator friends…
That picture on the right you posted OP looks like the "all-seeing eye" in the pyramid. There definitely some occult going on. Also, if he didn't have violence/robbery on his mind, he may have been looking for someone that he could shock with his appearance and get some kind of mind games/control over.
In general, NEVER let someone between you and your family in a situation like this (not saying you did). If that person would try that, then my pistol would make an appearance.
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