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He deserved more...

Our entire prison/punishment system is a scam to make money, for the state or private penitentiaries.

Fines, probation fees and a whole list of others to feed and fatten the coffers.

Jail time is a joke and more of a social club.
We sentence someone to death and they live for years on death row.

We need to bring back stricter punishment.
Hanging....they murder someone they hang.
Why waste money housing their sorry a**.
Planning a murder...they hang.

They're a convicted pedophile..amputating the offending bits is a good start.

Other crimes you get:

First offense- gets a 6x10 cell for 6 months.
No socializing..just a bible.

Second offense- 5x5 for 6 months...God help you if you 6' 3" or 300#.

Third offense and so on-God help you.
We start amputating.
The off hand/arm is first depending on the crime..then a leg next time.

We supply the offender with a government housing cubicle/job and food.
As long as they show up for and perform their job functions properly they have a place to live.

We have an abundance of low level jobs that need doing.

By the time they can't work they need to be put down anyway since they have wrecked the lives of their victims repeatedly.

Or we can dump them on an island somewhere.
We don't need them.

No one is afraid of our justice system anymore.

Jail time is just Club Med where they go to make contacts and come out buffed and rape the first teen age girl they find in the park.

Some people will scream about human rights.
What about the victims human rights:
The rape victims.
The strong arm robbery victims.
The road rage victims.
The simple battery victims.
(Some people just like to hurt other people)

I was raised knowing if I did wrong I would be punished.

Now days they tend to get put in time out.

P.S...Oh and if they shoot up a school:
Drawn and quartered.
Flayed alive.
Complete amputation, including tongue, fed/poop through tube and put on display some where till they die.
This may be good for pedofiles as well.

we don't even want to get me started on politicians.
Jail time is a joke and more of a social club...

We need to bring back stricter punishment.

No one is afraid of our justice system anymore.

Jail time is just Club Med where they go to make contacts and come out buff...

I was raised knowing if I did wrong I would be punished.

Now days they tend to get put in time out.

Some of this post touches on the difference between the younger generations and the older ones (my parents were of The Greatest Generation, though I was born to them so late in life I don't qualify as a Boomer).

For the last 40 years, American culture has been pussified. Weak, snifling, coddling kids and young adults who misbehave, telling them "It's not your fault" and "I'm sorry circumstances made you do that." As women began to dominate the culture of school ADMINISTRATION (not just classroom teachers, but the institutions leaders) they rejected the idea of discipline and personal responsibility and went with the communist doctrine of collectivism and collective responsibility (It takes a village to raise a child, don't you know?) Discipline has always been the father's job- the man of the house-- but so many kids today don't see their bio-fathers and are raised by single or divorced moms and taught to think like a woman, or to run feral in the streets and look at older thugs on the street as role models. Schools are now run with leftist womens' values. And I don't mean the values of YOUR WIFE.... I mean the values of groups of feminist women who don't have husbands or who don't respect men as husbands or as leaders of the family.

WHAT I'M GETTING AT IS THIS: Maybe it wouldn't be fair to the young people in America today to just suddenly start imposing the death penalty at much higher rates, or otherwise seriously punishing crime. Too much of a shock to their systems, too contrary to everything they've ever known or been taught about morals, and American values (leftist communist / progressive values).

BEFORE WE RETURN TO A CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM OF 3 GENERATIONS AGO, we need to give FAIR WARNING to the snowflakes and young badass thugs living among us. Inform them that it's a new world they live in with new rules and new consequences for breaking them. Give them a chance to leave the USA-- even use taxpayer money to buy them plane, train, or boat tickets to some other nation that is not on the North American continent. Preferably not even in our hemisphere. Make the new rules about crime and punishment MANDATORY STUDY in all schools, and for all people with government jobs, or participating in any sort of government welfare or benefits program.

THEN, when everybody is on the same page of the hymnal, impose the new penalties and carry them out aggressively.
Go back to hanging or firing squads and call it a day.
Utah still has a firing squad. We lived on the bench of the mountains in Draper when Albert Taylor was executed by firing squad on January 26th, 1996. I recall being close enough to hear the shots when it happened. Firing squad is still a thing there. Last one in 2010.
Some of this post touches on the difference between the younger generations and the older ones (my parents were of The Greatest Generation, though I was born to them so late in life I don't qualify as a Boomer).

For the last 40 years, American culture has been pussified. Weak, snifling, coddling kids and young adults who misbehave, telling them "It's not your fault" and "I'm sorry circumstances made you do that." As women began to dominate the culture of school ADMINISTRATION (not just classroom teachers, but the institutions leaders) they rejected the idea of discipline and personal responsibility and went with the communist doctrine of collectivism and collective responsibility (It takes a village to raise a child, don't you know?) Discipline has always been the father's job- the man of the house-- but so many kids today don't see their bio-fathers and are raised by single or divorced moms and taught to think like a woman, or to run feral in the streets and look at older thugs on the street as role models. Schools are now run with leftist womens' values. And I don't mean the values of YOUR WIFE.... I mean the values of groups of feminist women who don't have husbands or who don't respect men as husbands or as leaders of the family.

WHAT I'M GETTING AT IS THIS: Maybe it wouldn't be fair to the young people in America today to just suddenly start imposing the death penalty at much higher rates, or otherwise seriously punishing crime. Too much of a shock to their systems, too contrary to everything they've ever known or been taught about morals, and American values (leftist communist / progressive values).

BEFORE WE RETURN TO A CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM OF 3 GENERATIONS AGO, we need to give FAIR WARNING to the snowflakes and young badass thugs living among us. Inform them that it's a new world they live in with new rules and new consequences for breaking them. Give them a chance to leave the USA-- even use taxpayer money to buy them plane, train, or boat tickets to some other nation that is not on the North American continent. Preferably not even in our hemisphere. Make the new rules about crime and punishment MANDATORY STUDY in all schools, and for all people with government jobs, or participating in any sort of government welfare or benefits program.

THEN, when everybody is on the same page of the hymnal, impose the new penalties and carry them out aggressively.
A well thought out post and I like it.

In my post I point out there is no fear anymore for the repercussions of a violent act.

I am only talking about the worst of the worst as far as my draconian policies are concerned.

I am old and irritable at the best times and get into discussions (arguments for those that think the louder they shout makes them right..lol).

The same people who cry about the system think they are above it, be it Black Lives Matter, illegals breaking the law ect.

In several of the "accidental" deaths during police arrests in the last few years the majority were resisting arrest.
I am not saying the officers involved did no wrong, but how many of those people would be alive if they had went to jail peacefully, bailed out and fought the charges in court.

I have watched body cam footage of arrest and I can tell you the police practically coddle people now.
IMHO...the second you ignore the officer it's on you what happens next.

I was no saint when I was younger and knew right from wrong, and what happens when you run from the law or resist arrest.

We now have gangs of people who will rob UPS trucks, mob rush stores to rob them and come into your home because it is a slap on the wrist if they get caught and it is acceptable.
Matter of fact they carry on wanting you to feel sorry for them and go donate on their GoFundMe...lol

Use to if a person broke into your home and you shot them it was
"Yah...Joe defended his home and property"
Now the next day Joe is in jail awaiting charges depending on which way the political wind is blowing.

We are a democracy and we have turned into a people who think it is ok to have felonies on our records, four kids with different mothers and our kids addicted to porn on social media.

We have a TV show called
"To Catch A Predator".
The fact it happens so much we have a TV show about it is a horrible statement about us.

Others countries have way less leeway for violence and their prisons are a reflection of that attitude.

Rome fell...we can too.
American values have changed...we may not be far behind.

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