I am an International ODT'r! Aussie Death Stick - YES That just happened!


Wolf Icon Lifetime Supporter
Paynefree is NOT a ninja assassin see the diff.?
169   0
Mar 29, 2013
Reaction score
OMG If a grown man of 58 can say that. :becky: Our resident Aussie @Dingo just hooked me up with an original Australian Aborigine Hand Carved DEATH STICK. It is AWESOME!!! I could go on and on about my more than pleasant conversations with Dingo, but a joke I made and me trying to get him some authentic ODT feedback (@Leatherhead beat me to it) lead to one of my greatest "SCORES" of my almost 3 score life. (not kidding). I am petitioning Okuma Okuma to add a "death stick" category but I'm not holding my breath. :becky: I could go on and on about the craftsmanship, and most of y'all will see it quickly but these craftsmen go out in the "bush" (I can type that with "no worries" from the censors :becky:) to select the correct log and plane it down and work hours and hours on these, AMAZING! Doesn't begin to cover it, I can't thank you enough Iain!!!

Death Stick 001.jpg Death Stick 002.jpg Death Stick 003.jpg Death Stick 004.jpg Death Stick 006.jpg Death Stick back.jpg
Wow!! Cool score!

So, to clarify, they would use these like clubs? Hitting (whatever) with the 'hooked end' ?
In for details on use and history....or should i ask Dingo?
I am going to get more of the back story, I need to know as well.
My story is (look at picture #5) EVERY dot and hash mark There are HUNDREDS!!! Is a crocodile killed with this thing, like "notching" your gun when you kill somebody. Yep, that's my story!!! :becky:
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