Pine Log WMA IS Closed

I’m done with all this bull**** I’m not gonna change anybody’s mind and they’re not gonna change mine. Also nobody is saying give anybody a ****ing deal, it’s the simple fact that they wouldn’t even negotiate with the state.
Well I will just put this out there, what if you rented a house for 20 years with every intention of buying it after that 20 years and the owner just kicks your ass out? Oh this guy offered way more money than you could have.
I’d say this: capitalism is tough. It’s not for the timid or weak. If someone had been renting for 20 years with “intent” to buy, I’d say they should have bought it instead of renting in the first place. That rent was 20 years of paying someone else’s mortgage and putting food on their table. After reading your comments here, it’s quite clear that either no one has ever taught you economics or that you never bothered to learn. Phrases like “Sleazy landlord” are usually just code for “I’m a dirty hippie who believes that I have rights but you don’t…What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine also.”
I hate it for the the people that utilized the wma.there are thousands of acres that are leased to wmas and when the property value reaches a certain point it’s gonna be sold .it happens with timber companies all the time.
Enjoyed going there over the years.
Sux to lose such a valuable resource in our area but it is what it is and the owners can do as they please.
Their next lease (or sale) will undoubtedly be much more lucrative than the state would or could ever pay.
Some folks need to stop and think. If our corrupt government wasn't stealing so much of our money, you'd have more money in your pocket to go buy your own land. The government has very little authority to own land, and we actually have it very good east of the Mississippi. The west is much worse.

Private property ownership is what makes this country great. Save your money and go buy your own land to do what you want and quit relying on the government to do it for you.
Some folks need to stop and think. If our corrupt government wasn't stealing so much of our money, you'd have more money in your pocket to go buy your own land. The government has very little authority to own land, and we actually have it very good east of the Mississippi. The west is much worse.

Private property ownership is what makes this country great. Save your money and go buy your own land to do what you want and quit relying on the government to do it for you.
But....but....when the gubbermint had the lease it was free! I likes free!
But....but....when the gubbermint had the lease it was free! I likes free!
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