Pollen is back !!

I thank the Lord I am not in Georgia anymore. I would be suffering horrible migraine and feeling like a useless blob of dung. Here in Virginia it is not even visible except for the bit that accumulates in the vehicles. Two things I do not miss in Georgia, that's the pollen and the traffic. I genuinely feel for you guys that have allergy problems. It's a horrible feeling and I hope you guys get some rain to knock it down..
It’s that big ass zoo that is surrounded by the 12 lanes of tar and concrete that seems to attract the worst of some .
Some people call it a ‘city’ ….. I say it is a “shi*ty” …. somewhat the same thing as far as it goes. :noidea:
my wife retired from the city of atlanta. When people ask what she did for work that's her reply.
I worked for the Shi*y of Atlanta.
I was not allergic to anything for years. I have found that the older I get, the more the pollen bothers me. Now I know how my Dad felt when I used to watch him suffer in the spring.
I bet !! I learned not to hit that stuff with the blower unless I got a mask on and then you gotta remember to shut the house up tight first !! LMAO 🤣
Yep, I'm still paying for it too. Been sneezing and blowing my nose since I did that... :doh:
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