Racist Military

Bad play by the Democrats imo. Why mess with right leaners in the military? They are a seemingly endless supply of bullet fodder. Wave some American flags and play a few Toby Keith songs and they’ll invade any damn country you wish.
Anyone that has a firearm or any resemblance of a collection will be labled very badly by the left. We will be terrorists, racist (already), extremist , hate groups, etc., etc., .... along with every other moniker to make firearm ownership appear horrible. If you have a gun you are a terrorist !!
I knew it when they stole the election.... its getting stronger now. They will bash anyone that is pro gun now. Gays, blacks, farmers, Alabamians (@Bypass ) , ANYONE !!

The worse they can make you appear, in the fake media, the easier it is to make you disappear.

I fear that you are 100% correct. It is the same playbook that Hitler used on the Jews. Slowly and methodically blame everything on them, make them the enemy for no reason other then you don’t like them. Then you will be able to convince the majority to do unspeakable things to the “enemy”.

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Feelings have been hurt - the transformation of our military will feed militias......Maybe some transgender, LGBTQIA fairy dust will help.

This wasn’t a problem until the “extremist” members were recognized as possibly less compliant to follow an agenda intended to usher socialism into our country.

“They” are fearful of an armed America and a non-compliant military- the inhibitor to their current agenda.


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Keeps going this way, maybe we can laugh are enemies off the battlefield.
US military has a long history of social experiments, some good but mostly very questionable. This just sounds like lip service. What exactly are they going to do?
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