Well, we're going to be on TV

Bryan, good interview. My only suggestion is this...riducle anyone who is offended by your jesting ad on a men’s gun forum.
Tell them you don’t have time to discuss such trivial matters when your district has such other important issues that need discussing. Question your tv interviewers commitment to real news instead of propaganda.

Mostly importantly, laugh often and smile a lot...but don’t ever apologize for being you. You wrote a lighthearted, satirical ad on a men’s forum...so what? Question Ms Doolittle’s version of Christianity. Ask the rhetorical question of voters...”Do people like her really speak for all Christians, conservatives and Republicans? Then if so, I may be in the wrong damn party!”
Be a victim of her hate speech...you know...respond like “Well dang, RINO’s like this woman are the problem...they hate free speech.”

I mean really, go after that self-righteous smug “holier than thou” attitude. Trust me, many if not most true Christians detest her type of “don’t smoke, drink or chew or hang around those who do” attitude.

If you are apologetic and try to explain then you are beat. LAUGH! Say things like “I guess I’m not a very politically correct kind of guy...I’m just a normal father, husband and business man who wants to clean the swamp.”

Change the subject...ask Ms dowampus who elected her the judge of all things?

Every time you refer to her in public it would be good to say her name wrong. Just for fun. Or make up a good nickname for her to use in interviews...you know...”Ol Debbie does Dallas” or heck just refer to her as “Schultz”. She really does look like a combination of Schultz from MASH and Wasserman.
Nonliberal Nonliberal , Bryan I recorded the news since I knew I'd forget to watch it. I thought it went pretty well except for that woman with no sense of humor, she was kind of a stick in the mud. Hell, I'd move to your district just so I could vote for you but my wife won't let me sell the house and move. She said since we've already been here 28 years she ain't about to pack up 28 years worth of stuff and unpack it all over again somewhere else just so I can vote for one of my ODT brothers. Dangit! I tried man, I tried. But hey, at least I didn't curse or say anything sexist or anything in my post, there's that. Lol! Good luck to you dood, I wish we had more folks like you running for public office, you're the most real regular guy I've ever seen run for office in all my 59 years.
Debbie Dooty? Who the hell is that?
She reminded me a lot of.....

For what it's worth Bryan, my wife is a kind upstanding Christian woman and she thought the ad was hilarious, she didn't laugh as much when I was reading it as she did when he was asking you the questions.
I would like to see some follow up pieces (FREE TV) on where the smear campaign towards you, came from.
I thought you did good Bryan. Ms. Dooley is no better than a liberal in her thinking. I also thought the Fox 5 team were very smug. Carry on and make no apologies for being yourself. Judging by the 2016 election most of America is tired of political correctness. You are a good man.
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