What's the cheapest gas you ever bought

In high school I paid 36 cents a gallon for my 1966 Mustang. I remember a gas war in 1967 where my father was driving 10 miles to get it for 17.9 out in the country in SE Nebraska for the Rambler. Both stations went out of business. Must have been a real hate going on. One of the stations was a Sinclair, the other a Standard Oil. Remember the free maps?

I also remember these same gas wars and $.18 gas.
I remember it dropping to about .79 in the late nineties. I also know that a quarter would buy a gallon in the 1960s and that same quarter (90% silver) is worth about $3.50 today, same as a gallon of gas.
If I remember correctly first gas I ever bought for my 67 Mustang was 32 cents a gallon. Should give y'all an idea how old I am.
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