Recent content by USN-MCPO-Ret

  1. Am I allowed to stick expired california tags to the FRONT of my car?

    You busting on my Hawaii tag?..It stayed on my truck for six years.... no issues.. even when I was pulled over a couple of times.
  2. The Official ODT Veterans photo thread.

    Me and... probably all of Iraq's Navy!!
  3. Who has had Lasik surgery in the past couple years?

    I had LASIK done in 2000 and havent regretted it. I cant tell you the current price, I paid $1k an eye. There are Pro's and Con's to getting the surgery though. After wearing glasses and contacts for years I was used to not seeeing anything at night.. holy crap... looking in the mirror I...
  4. What is the ONE gun you have that there is no way you would sell or trade it?

    I have a Smith and Wesson breaktop/lemonsqueeze 38 short that has pearl grips. The gun was my grandfather's. He was the Warden of the Prison just outside Monticello in Jasper County for many years and it was his carry pistol. Damn thing is so worn down it reads... " th and Wesson". The...
  5. who here speaks more than 1 language?

    a couple different ones... but I speak, signal and can send the INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE!!! MORSE CODE!!! ... --- ..-. ..- -.-. -.- --- ..-. ..-. the .'s are pronounced "dih", the -'s are pronounced "dah" Five kids and none of them could understand a word that me and the wife...
  6. huge ammo sales

    three.. crap!...
  7. Item Gone! FS Misc. Brass

    pm sent
  8. Working out

    Brother.. you're not giving enough information about yourself to set up a correct exercise regiment... and you've not stated a goal. Alot of very good information from the group, but everyone is different. I'm pushing 50 and work-out Mon, Tue, Thur. Fri and Sat. Weekdays are power lifting for...
  9. Anyone a tanner?

    Anyone on the post a tanner that wants some pelts and hides? I really do have some Beaver on my land. We kill about 5 a year and just bury the boogers. I'd rather give them and the deer hides to someone that will use them. We also do an Elk hunt in Colorado every other year and I bring back...
  10. Got a Beaver recipe?

    The Beaver in my pond are very hairy.. but they all have big tails... ...been shooting them with my gun.. but they keep coming back for more. I figure if they keep on coming... might as well eat em!!
  11. Got a Beaver recipe?

    I have a few Beaver that are in my pond. I've killed a few of them and buried the carcass. Anyone got a recipe? ... I'd much rather eat the Beaver than throw it away.
  12. Got my petition today.

    Good luck!!! RandyT (Past Master, Social Lodge #1 Augusta GA 2009/2010)
  13. Confessions...

    I like Brittany Spears music... --- I hope this doesnt warrant an infraction!!... even though it should
  14. A mobile home

    I need a contact for a used mobile home dealer between Augusta - Athens - Macon - Waynesboro if you know of a reputable dealer, please PM me their contact number.
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