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  1. Hi Point or Jennings ???

    That’s why you always go Hi Point. Both will have failure to fire but only the Hi Point doubles seamlessly as a club
  2. White House staff relocated because pro Hamas protestors damaging fence

    Guess the WH didn’t get the memo that fences are raciss anyway
  3. Study Shows Mothers of Boys With Gender Issues Are Mental

    I guess the headline might have read, children of mentally ill parents are more likely to be mentally ill Shockingly insightful
  4. In Chicago, handguns easily turned into high-capacity machine guns fuel growing violence

    Now that right there was an obscure trekkie reference. Bravo sir, Bravo!
  5. Odd story from Oklahoma

    I agree, sounds like they tried to hit a dealer. Amateurs. OK though, maybe they were trying to lick the Tiger King himself and were attacked by the giant guard *****
  6. Russian oil boss "falls from hospital window"...sure.

    Even if she is there its probably not "vacationing" per se. More likely to be "periodic trip to pick up scheduled bribes"
  7. Russian oil boss "falls from hospital window"...sure.

    or MAYBE the off chance he somehow got on the wrong side of Killary
  8. Active Shooter in Midtown: 3 people shot near Colony Square

    ODT, if you are nearby and have a clear field of fire, SHOOT BACK please
  9. Teacher bangs teen for 3 years. Gets probation 😳😳

    Who was that buffoon that got busted tapping his foot in the bathroom toilet stall trying to pick up another dude in like a airport bathroom? Long and storied history of politician malfeasance of course, that story just popped back into my head though. Then as I recall he had that whole...
  10. Teacher bangs teen for 3 years. Gets probation 😳😳

    When you are in a position of authority as a teacher over children and you elect to diddle the children under you care, your die. Full stop, end of debate. Doesn't matter if it is female on male, male on female, male on male, female on female, non-gender specific non-binary on non-gender...
  11. Lock stock and barrel suspect arrested

    Modern news reporting I guess, seemed weird to me
  12. Lock stock and barrel suspect arrested

    Apologies, that’s what the Gargler turned up earlier. The photo returned is a scum bag, just not the right scum bag. I'm sure mug shots will appear at some point today.
  13. RIP Bob Dole

    Actually he took an artillery shell of some sort. Almost took off his arm and it paralyzed him for a considerable period of time. Local medics (Italy) assumed he wasn't gonna make it so they gave him a max dose of morphine, marked his forehead (so he wouldn't accidentally be given more) and...
  14. So much to love about this story! So much...

    When I was younger and into martial arts some knuckle head decided he'd walk into the dojo just after closing to see what he could steal. Found one duffel bag in the locker area and started rummaging through it. To his glee, found a wallet and car keys. All was going well until the Sensei...
  15. Climate cooling??? This is an Outrage!!!

    You missed the memo, there was a shift from "global warming crisis" to "climate change". Global warming can be disproven.......climate change cannot because, guess what, the climate changes! If you don't believe me look up the mini ice age or any one of the other ice ages in known geologic...
  16. Donald Rumsfeld dead at 88

    While I wish no man dead nor seek to cause pain for the remaining family I personally found his behavior reprehensible in almost every respect. Meddling in planning for the Iraq war, the war itself, the micro management of military staff, the bald faced lack of any semblance of a plan to deal...
  17. No good deed goes unpunished

    Wow, I was waiting for an ODT meet several weeks back and there was a kid with a flat tire in the gas station I was waiting at. I was just about to go help him change it out when the other ODT guy pulled in so I didn' I'm kinda glad I didn't but that is just a sad sad realization for...
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