• ODT Gun Show & Swap Meet - May 4, 2024! - Click here for info

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  1. Person Of The Year,eating

    She does have a reusable water bottle on the table though... Kinda like having a diet coke with your double whopper meal.
  2. WTF ad popped up on ODT

    Already being talked about... https://www.theoutdoorstrader.com/threads/carry-“certification”.1558567/
  3. New Kia Soul Turbo "Ace of Spades" Commercial

    The full commercial is much better than the 20 second version! The last time I got to see Motorhead was at the Mayhem fest at Lakewood with Slayer, Anthrax, Slipknot and more. I don't think Motorhead ever played a bad show. The only way I'm gonna be easy is when I'm killed by death!
  4. What do you call a snake......

    Wouldn't it be closer to 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105 meters long?
  5. Chick-fil-A

    What do Chick-fil-A and Colin Kaepernick have in common? . . . . . . . . . . . . Neither of them work on Sundays! .
  6. California banned??

    If only we could be so lucky.
  7. Race to the finish

  8. Auto Glock Accident

    but if it had been a 10mm... :p
  9. So, I guess showing respect for the court has gone to hell in a handbasket

    Should just get a tuxedo t-shirt. It's good for all occasions!!!
  10. WTF Donkey balls BS prices Makarov

    Sad thing is that most of them are not really a makarov. They shoot the "makarov" ammo (9x18), but are not made in Russia. I could see the early Mak with the reddish russian star grips going for 3-350, but not the PA-63 (Hungary) or P-64 (Poland). I've heard the German version is very good, but...
  11. Grizzly wintergreen long cut... My last can

    I think he means recently started using Snus instead of regular dip.
  12. Damn salt life stickers.

    Maybe they have a salt water aquarium at home. Or maybe it's where they dream of retiring to. Or maybe you just need to come up with a cool bumper sticker that could make you millions. I hear there is a big demand for southern battle flags at the moment....
  13. Official Butt Hurt meme thread.

    [Broken External Image]:
  14. Just got freakin robbed!

    This happened 6 months ago.... :p
  15. Just got freakin robbed!

    A gun with a fireside story is always good to keep around!
  16. UFO caught on tape

    Oh crap, looks like it was in the cubicle next to me. I can't remember what I had for lunch last Wednesday, does that mean I was abducted at that time?
  17. On the way to the mall.

    I would expect 556NATO on a duece and a half, BLDGHRTLIB on a prius. So yes, there are "right" vehicles.
  18. Women in Leather

    That explains why I always seemed to go after the new wave/punk girls in the 80's. The smell of my truck was vinyl and cigarette butts.
  19. Why do they ruin a perfectly good burger?

    Putting a thin layer of mayo on the bottom bun helps keep the bun from getting soggy due to burger grease. Half inch thick layer of it? no thanks. About the only thing I put mayo on myself is a turkey sandwich.
  20. 45 for rent

    Free unlimited ammo too?
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