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Bankruptcy, pending lawsuits, close up shop. Open up new shop, same drug different name and repeat.
Yep, you can be sure that cash cow will simply move over to a different field of cows, like Phillipines or China where there aren't so many regs. 2017 revenue... 82% of $3 billion is how much again?
When extreme medications are needed this is what they bring in, it's sad that so many people abuse this. I have close family that has to take Oxycontin but without it the pain would probably be more than they could take. It's a very dangerous balance that if tipped the wrong way it can have horrible consequences, but on the other hand when needed it's the only thing that can bring relief to debilitating pain that would other wise put somebody down unable to move.
I think certainly more judicious writing of prescriptions is needed.
There is #1 a personal responsibility needed.

Methamphetamine is RAMPANT and its not a prescription drug.
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