800 Lumen Rechargable Flashlight $12.50

This is an amazing deal. I just lost one that ran on a AAA battery 300 lumen run one that was close to 100 bucks.Ive been fussed about it all week.
this is rechargeable AND has a AAA. Had a ton of positive amazon reviews so im assuming the quality is up to par.
thanks for the heads up - got one on the way.
21% 1 star reviews...at that price it seems to good to be true and I am guessing it is. Buyer beware... you usually get what you pay for, but ya never know. Read the positive reviews, they seem staged.
nah -dont worry me the negs all say it was faulty but anyone who sent one back got it replaced shipping and all. pricepoint is china and qc is hit or miss. as long as theyll let me send a miss back im fine with that for under 20 bucks. i like my littl fancy neato ones too but I cant muster 200 at the moment for a usa brand name fella.
update - mine came and it was one of the 1/5 that failed-immediate email response and they didnt even ask for a return. I was polite and told him I saw either one or five stars and he thanked me for giving him an opportunity. to make it right. Those batteries are supposed to run a really lond time so having two as well as any replacement parts I may need is 100% worth a few extra days and a single email.
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