A Long but Good Read

It is kinda long. I read through and there were a couple personal opinions made by the author I don't agree with but he points them out as opinion. Everything he presents as fact is indeed correct. If you have the time to read it all then I recommend it...if not he makes some key points at the very end. Its a numbered list :)
Very good read. He does present evidence for both sides but is largely an advocate for private gun ownership. He shows how flawed the liberal viewpoint is and how there proposals would be ineffective. I did find one fact I will steal fro future debates though.

"With the exception of the attack on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson in 2011, every mass shooting since 1950 has taken place where civilians are forbidden to carry firearms. "
I don't really consider the Giffords shooting a mass shooting. He was there to shoot her, anyone else was just in the way of his goal.
Unlike the others, where shooting anyone in sight was the goal.
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