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An ODT brother needs help

I was so mad when I was told this couldn't see straight. I called SJ we have become very good friends. I seek and value his advice on thing's. He never let me down yet.

Sorry to break it to you Shakey, but they have likely been building a case over the past three years to support cutting you off. It's rare that it just occurs without them feeling like they can justify it. Just to play Devil's advocate... Have they offered you a light duty position at some point, that you or your doctors continue to say you can't perform? Have you considered the possibility that they have already had you under surveillance by a private investigator, and have sufficient evidence at this point to show you are capable of doing more than what you claim, or perhaps even that there are inconsistencies in how you act when you attend your medical appointments vs. any other times you may have been watched? Do you have some good days (with meds) where you may have not appeared to have as visible a disability? Hope you have all of your ducks in a row if you decide to litigate, because all the other side has do to is catch you being less that 100% honest in some of your statements, then present the evidence they already have (which you will not know about until after you have been deposed). It's a heck of a poker game, but remember, they have the biggest stack of chips.
Jump211 is right its nothing more than a game, a ****ty one at that.Its a ****ing shame a man has to feel like hammered dog ****, loose everything you have but your name,only to be spied on for years and played with to prove your disability SMMFH.The biggest problem is he is probably the wrong skin color/race, also its a helluva easier on the outside to look fine but its a living nightmare and nothing but pure hell in a broken down body on the inside.
Believe me Shakey been down pretty much same road, it will make a mans mind wonder like hell how your gonna do it not to mention the emotions you go thru.
Jump211 is right its nothing more than a game, a ****ty one at that.Its a ****ing shame a man has to feel like hammered dog ****, loose everything you have but your name,only to be spied on for years and played with to prove your disability SMMFH.The biggest problem is he is probably the wrong skin color/race, also its a helluva easier on the outside to look fine but its a living nightmare and nothing but pure hell in a broken down body on the inside.
Believe me Shakey been down pretty much same road, it will make a mans mind wonder like hell how your gonna do it not to mention the emotions you go thru.

The shame is that we have so many fraudulent, or exaggerated claims that create for higher premiums which the rest of us have to suffer paying. Everyone has some degree of pain they deal with day-to-day. As we get older, bodily pain/discomfort becomes a given. Some of us have a higher threshold for the pain and simply work through it, and except it as a part of life. Maybe that is just the result of our differing upbringings.

While there are many legitimate disability claims out there (and Shakey's may be one of them), there are also many alleged injury/disability claims that raise red flags and need to be investigated. The biggest problem with legitimate claims is when the claimant becomes a malingerer (never admitting improvement in their condition, in spite of the insured, and insurance company's good faith effort to get them treatment, or offer them modified work duties).

The claimant is often times being taken advantage of, both by the attorneys, and their doctors. They are all competing for a slice of the pie. For the doctor, it is guaranteed steady money if the alleged injury/disability never improves. For the attorney, unless they are dealing with a significant or catastrophic injury that is indisputable, it is simply a matter of racking up as many medical bills as possible to increase settlement demands, and attempting to prove that over the past three years (in Shakey's case) that he has been unable to earn an outside income in any capacity, and that his allegations of the severity of his claim are not in contrast to whatever evidence the insurance company may have already gathered to help support their argument.

Shakey may think he has a strong case, but I can assure you, there is nothing about his claim, that the insurance company and their attorneys have not seen or dealt with thousands of times before. Like someone else posted earlier, if there is anything he feels like he CAN do to earn a living, it is time to move past this chapter in his life, and go that route. He has been able to get by on the disability checks for the past three years at the insureds expense, and now they're basically saying - OK, we feel like we have done our part to get you healthy and back to work, without any success. We have also gathered enough evidence to justify cutting you loose. Your move.
The shame is that we have so many fraudulent, or exaggerated claims that create for higher premiums which the rest of us have to suffer paying. Everyone has some degree of pain they deal with day-to-day. As we get older, bodily pain/discomfort becomes a given. Some of us have a higher threshold for the pain and simply work through it, and except it as a part of life. Maybe that is just the result of our differing upbringings.

While there are many legitimate disability claims out there (and Shakey's may be one of them), there are also many alleged injury/disability claims that raise red flags and need to be investigated. The biggest problem with legitimate claims is when the claimant becomes a malingerer (never admitting improvement in their condition, in spite of the insured, and insurance company's good faith effort to get them treatment, or offer them modified work duties).

The claimant is often times being taken advantage of, both by the attorneys, and their doctors. They are all competing for a slice of the pie. For the doctor, it is guaranteed steady money if the alleged injury/disability never improves. For the attorney, unless they are dealing with a significant or catastrophic injury that is indisputable, it is simply a matter of racking up as many medical bills as possible to increase settlement demands, and attempting to prove that over the past three years (in Shakey's case) that he has been unable to earn an outside income in any capacity, and that his allegations of the severity of his claim are not in contrast to whatever evidence the insurance company may have already gathered to help support their argument.

Shakey may think he has a strong case, but I can assure you, there is nothing about his claim, that the insurance company and their attorneys have not seen or dealt with thousands of times before. Like someone else posted earlier, if there is anything he feels like he CAN do to earn a living, it is time to move past this chapter in his life, and go that route. He has been able to get by on the disability checks for the past three years at the insureds expense, and now they're basically saying - OK, we feel like we have done our part to get you healthy and back to work, without any success. We have also gathered enough evidence to justify cutting you loose. Your move.

^^^This in car accident health claims . The person with a legitimate injury claim is in for an ordeal, with the lawyers often making as much as the claimant gets.
Totally messed up system
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