Anyone else tired?

I'm tired of people asking my opinion and expecting me to say that which they agree with..If you don't expect my honest opinion, don't ask..At my age I don't give a damn what people think, I don't color things, I just give my honest opinion..Caution you may or not agree with me, but you will have my honest opinion..Now I forgot what the topic is..
It is what it is. I have a good reason today. I ran a jackhammer.....
Yep…that damn sure is a good reason to be tired ! I do not envy you at all for that one.
There are tons who have no physical reason to gripe about being tired (me included) .
I was used to getting up every morning and working on vehicles 8-12 hrs a day….lately I can’t even get to the mail box and have no reason why.
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