ASK THE SHERIFF: Can violence be solved with more guns?

It baffles me that anti gun people can't see the benefit to criminals in gun free areas.
They don't see that it gives criminals a free hall pass to come in shooting at unarmed innocents with little or no resistance.

I understand that anti gun people may have serious PTSD about violence in their past or just have a very timid mind and can't handle the thought of violence, let alone fighting violent offenders with violence.
In such cases they should step back and let the real me. And women step up.

Maybe the anti gun people don't trust themselves with a gun for fear that they themselves have such a bad temper or mental instability that they would most likely shoot someone for looking at them wrong or during a road rage incident.
Maybe they think they would probably commit suicide if they carried a gun due to their fragile mental state.
I've heard anti gun people mention all of the above scenarios, personally.

What many anti gun people think is that since THEY feel so mentally fragile about guns then their pride is hurt and they are jealous of their fellow man that has enough or more stable mental brain power and confidence to carry, handle and even execute proper use of force in any given situation.
Anti gun people either can't understand this due to blatant denial which is the strongest and most prevalent trait of most liberals or they are just plain jealous that they are to mentally unstable themselves to handle such situations without losing all bodily functions and making a mess of everyone's day so they feel the need to get back at people they're jealous of in order to make them suffer in their own sick, childish way so they devote their miserable lives to gun control.
Then you have politicians that want to take over every aspect of our lives thus promoting disarmament of innocents while emboldening criminals and weak minded, jealous anti gun supporters that worship government like the mommy they never had.

These are most likely the same people that drive up Ga 400 in the fast lane pacing the slow car to their right and won't let anyone pass because they think they are better than everyone else, they have the power to control a mile of cars behind them, and God forbid someone finds an opening and tries to pass on the right because, yep, you guessed it, they are gonna speed up and refuse to let you pass.......this is the liberal mindset in many things they do.

They are too afraid to handle a gun but they will use their vehicle as a weapon but won't dare to try to ban vehicles.......unless they go fast or are loud and modified in any way more so than their Prius or Leaf.

In a perfect world.Violence should be justifiable at the next red light.
^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^
A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation the affected person will go to great lengths to avoid, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed. If the feared object or situation cannot be avoided entirely, the affected person will endure it with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.

Col Cooper-RIP:

"I coined the term "hoplophobia" in 1962 in response to a perceived need for a word to describe a mental aberration consisting of an unreasoning terror of gadgetry, specifically, weapons. The most common manifestation of hoplophobia is the idea that instruments possess a will of their own, apart from that of their user. This is not a reasoned position, but when you point this out to a hoplophobe he is not impressed because his is an unreasonable position. To convince a man that he is not making sense is not to change his viewpoint but rather to make an enemy. Thus hoplophobia is a useful word, but as with all words, it should be used correctly."[2]
It baffles me that anti gun people can't see the benefit to criminals in gun free areas.
They don't see that it gives criminals a free hall pass to come in shooting at unarmed innocents with little or no resistance.

I understand that anti gun people may have serious PTSD about violence in their past or just have a very timid mind and can't handle the thought of violence, let alone fighting violent offenders with violence.
In such cases they should step back and let the real me. And women step up.

Maybe the anti gun people don't trust themselves with a gun for fear that they themselves have such a bad temper or mental instability that they would most likely shoot someone for looking at them wrong or during a road rage incident.
Maybe they think they would probably commit suicide if they carried a gun due to their fragile mental state.
I've heard anti gun people mention all of the above scenarios, personally.

What many anti gun people think is that since THEY feel so mentally fragile about guns then their pride is hurt and they are jealous of their fellow man that has enough or more stable mental brain power and confidence to carry, handle and even execute proper use of force in any given situation.
Anti gun people either can't understand this due to blatant denial which is the strongest and most prevalent trait of most liberals or they are just plain jealous that they are to mentally unstable themselves to handle such situations without losing all bodily functions and making a mess of everyone's day so they feel the need to get back at people they're jealous of in order to make them suffer in their own sick, childish way so they devote their miserable lives to gun control.
Then you have politicians that want to take over every aspect of our lives thus promoting disarmament of innocents while emboldening criminals and weak minded, jealous anti gun supporters that worship government like the mommy they never had.

These are most likely the same people that drive up Ga 400 in the fast lane pacing the slow car to their right and won't let anyone pass because they think they are better than everyone else, they have the power to control a mile of cars behind them, and God forbid someone finds an opening and tries to pass on the right because, yep, you guessed it, they are gonna speed up and refuse to let you pass.......this is the liberal mindset in many things they do.

They are too afraid to handle a gun but they will use their vehicle as a weapon but won't dare to try to ban vehicles.......unless they go fast or are loud and modified in any way more so than their Prius or Leaf.

In a perfect world.Violence should be justifiable at the next red light.

Anti gun people are not afraid of guns. Their goal is to be in control of you, They know they can not as long as we are armed... carry on
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