Certified Welding Inspector

congrats, been there done that, and like you said harder than any exam I ever took, and I had 3-9 year renewals and retook the week long seminar each time, saw welding engineers that didn;'t take the seminar due to their "degree" and they failed like a non-English, reading wanna be.
Hmmm.......I have 25+ years of welding held many certs for many processes . Wire -burner and rod burner turned my back to wire due to: fumes.... by choice I am just a rod burner 6G-r
............but this is AA's thread and again Bravo good job.

Not picking a fight just asking for context. And it was a joke, he just got his CWI and you said you looked forward to seeing him, but most welders do not look forward to seeing their weld inspecting QC guy.
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