Clayton County man training kids to commit school shooting

Am I the only that read the thread title and thought " Oh cool. Someone trading kids on how to survive/stop a school shooting"? I wish I had been right.
Am I the only that read the thread title and thought " Oh cool. Someone trading kids on how to survive/stop a school shooting"? I wish I had been right.
Same here. Ive begun teaching my 8 yr old how to id a situation and the best things to do should it happen. Usual stuff, know thr exits, get down, get quiet, run away and if seen dont run in a straight line etc.

It sucks that we have people in this country training others to hate and hurt those around them.
Soon as folks like this are found guilty they just need to be taken out back and shot. Worthless
If proven to be a religious ideal, whatever their religions worst treatment should be enacted and publicized. Dowse this clown in pigs blood, cut off his right hand, let him languish tied to a stake, and when hes passed, drawn and quartered, with remains scsttered for the vultures. I dont care what fn religion you pick, fight fire with hellfire
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