Cleveland news team shows up to interview rape victim, cops send them off

Of course he (the cop) told them (the two reporters) to leave.
Listen to it again.
No, he was actually very careful not to tell them to leave. He suggested it and he pointed out where the road was, but he never made it an order and told them to leave. You should listen to it again.

I got to tell you, I'm pretty disgusted by your approval and encouragement of the invasion of privacy of a rape victim.
So if the victim did not call how would the police know they were there? The news media has a lot to do with the division in the country. I don’t blame them completely it they are a large part.
Cops are not in charge of enforcing "good taste."
I don't think they have any authority to order reporters off private property UNLESS the owner or resident of that property asked the cops to kick them off the premises.
Being 'appalled' is not legal authority to interfere with their right to investigate newsworthy events.

As for the "rape shield" laws, those may legitimately limit the news media in PUBLISHING the victim's identity (just like other privacy laws apply to her DOB, address, SSN, medical issues, etc.). But if the news station is just INVESTIGATING this incident and doesn't want to take some cop's write-up in the official version of the police report as the Gospel truth which omits nothing of any significance, the media has the right to investigate. Maybe they want to clarify some inconsistencies with the woman's story? Maybe they just want to publicize this bad thing that happened to her as a public service message that warns other women to be careful and not get into the same situation? Perhaps the news reporters never intended to ID the woman or challenge any aspect of her story, but just wanted to get more details of it so that it would make a more readable and relate-able article?

I'm with the news media on this one.

Now, if the rape victim had been telling these reporters that she doesn't want to talk to them and especially if she ordered them off her property, great. Let the cops chase off the reporters or arrest them for trespassing. But if that were the case, among the first words out of the cops' mouths should be "you were told to leave" rather than "I'm appalled... bad taste...never in my career have I heard of reporters doing anything like this..."
Do you have any vestige of discernment left between legally permissible and common decency or is a requirement of passing the BAR sacrificing that bit of humanity?
In 1987, Tawana Brawley said a bunch of white guys raped her. The cops took her at her word, but the news media was quick to point out her lack of credibility and the holes in her story. The grand jury would not return a true bill of indictment. Then the supposed rapists sued her for defamation, and won.

In 2006, Crystal Gail Mangum claimed a bunch of white preppy college boys raped her. It was a work of fiction. News reporters investigated her background and found she made similar accusations several years prior, in 1993, but they were never prosecuted for lack of evidence and nobody supporting Mangum's version of events. The DA's office tried its best to prosecute the case, even while the media made it clear that this mentally troubled black woman was just making up a story to get some Ivy-league white boys in trouble.
(Eventually the criminal charges against the young men were dropped, and the DA himself was prosecuted and disbarred for concealing evidence favorable to the defense. Miss Mangum went on to commit several other crimes including murder, and she's currently in prison.

Yeah, I WANT the news media to try to interview rape victims, and I want them to run investigations on those women and dig into their past behavior and present circumstances.
LOL....what a pitiful crock of bovine scatology

Twana Brawley accused the police and a New York prosecutor of raping her and the media rushed to spill her lies all over the airways. Two New York reporters who participated in the media frenzy wrote a very detailed account of how the media was manipulated and spread the Sharpton False narrative in the book UNHOLY ALLIANCES WORKING THE TAWANA BRAWLEY STORY. In there own words "Unfortunately, it was a contrived event, a crime not committed. It was, in reality, a textbook case in how to manipulate the media, or how the media allows itself to create news rather than report it."

The "crime" imploded due to the prosecutor/police investigation and the brave act of truth telling by one of the body guards providing security for the Brawley/Sharpton group while they were holed up in the church hiding from the truth.....the truth the media had no real interest in reporting until forced to by current events. The media solved the case............No.

The Duke lacrosse team false rape case was so supported by media bias that at least one reporter felt the need to apologize to the Duke players and the nation, while the rest of the media scum simply did what they usually do, shrugg their shoulders and move on without a word about their bias. After the original prosecuter Mike Nifong was relieved of his duties and replaced by North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper, all charges were dismissed due largely to the investigative work of the defense council and Cooper's own investigators interviewing Crystal Gail Mangum, for the first time by the way, and learning by here own admission she was never raped. Media shining the light on the truth...........No.

ESPN, who admittedly has turned into a liberal cesspool, produced an excellent 30 for 30 documentary on the Duke Lacross flase rape circus:
"Fantastic Lies"
Focusing on the corrupt DA, biased police investigation, Duke University's rush to judgement and detailing the complicit medias attempt to help railroad the innocent.

Here you will find the one...ONE...honest reporter, Ruth Sheehan, willing to tell the truth about here bias and offer an apology to the accused.

"Members of the men's Duke lacrosse team: I am sorry. Surely by now you know I am sorry. I am writing these words now, and in this form, as a bookend to 13 months of Duke lacrosse coverage, my role in which started with a March 27 column that began: "Members of the men's Duke lacrosse team: You know. We know you know." That was when Durham police and District Attorney Mike Nifong were describing a "wall of silence" among the men who attended the now-vaunted lacrosse party."

"Two weeks ago, our public editor, Ted Vaden, laid me low for that first column, and the second, which called for the firing of lacrosse coach Mike Pressler."

"Meantime, beyond the apology, I wanted to commend the three men wrongly accused in this case for looking beyond their own troubles to other cases of injustice. In particular, I was impressed with the statement of former team captain Dave Evans, who noted that without his parents' resources, and the fine lawyers they hired, 'this could simply have been brushed underneath the rug just as another case, and some innocent person would end up in jail for their entire life." This has been difficult territory. I'm paid to write about what I think as things happen. But rest assured, I know my errors. And now you know I know."

That Post..................................
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