Company truck

In my company truck with no carry permit where should i keep my gun to be legal?

If it’s a company with a “no firearm policy” then that extends to their company vehicle. Legality is one thing but it will get ya fired if caught(most workplaces). If your company does not have a “gun free zone policy” then you can keep it wherever in Ga. (last I looked into it)
If it’s a company with a “no firearm policy” then that extends to their company vehicle. Legality is one thing but it will get ya fired if caught(most workplaces). If your company does not have a “gun free zone policy” then you can keep it wherever in Ga. (last I looked into it)
You can keep it anywhere you want. LE doesn’t not enforce company policy. Only Georgia Law.
2 things:
get a carry permit
find out what your company policy is on guns. Or conversely, Get a permit and plead ignorance to a company rule that you were never aware of.

If it's in the truck and you NEED IT, and you ain't in the truck. It might as well be at home locked up in a safe.

A weapon in the trunk and ammo locked up separately is the law in California. Carry permits are somewhere between, slim and none, and slim left town.

There is a reason I don't live in California anymore.
You can keep it anywhere you want. LE doesn’t not enforce company policy. Only Georgia Law.

Legally, yes LE will not object. I was making the point about the objection of your company that can terminate based on weapon policy (unfortunately). But I see OP has made clear that is not an issue with said company
My company doesn't allow us to have firearms in company trucks. I opted for the vehicle allowance and bought my own truck. I come out of pocket $30-$40/month, but hell I'm armed and glad to do it for my peace of mind.
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