Confirmed: Middle GA M&G 2019

Ok... this is how I’m seeing the coozie giveaway going. The wife and I are only making a limited # of coozies. I’d love to make sure you all get one but time is money and...... anywho, we’re making 12 total. Im saving one for myself and heystranger heystranger will get one for making the grand prize treasure chest, which looks awesome!

That leaves 10... whoever is the first 10 to commit to bringing (and actually bring) an ADDITIONAL item for the grand prize chest will get a coozie. One per person please. The item doesn’t have to be $10-20 but maybe a box of ammo in the $5-10 range (common calibers please, 9mm, 223, 308, 45ACP, etc). So hopefully, the grand prize will be 10 boxes of ammo (or equivalent), a treasure chest, whatever heystranger heystranger throws in there, and a custom ODT t-shirt!

Thoughts, Comments, likes, dislikes?
Here are a couple of pictures of the treasure chest.
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