Connecticut School Shooting

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One last thing before I go to bed. Can we all agree to stop using "Hi Cap" for standard capacity magazines, and leave the bull**** "assault weapon" thing in the past? I'm so damned tired of hearing that anti-gun rights propoganda get tossed around in the news, I think I'll puke if I hear it on here again.

Gnite all.
Both the Pistols and the AR were owned and used by the mother. She was what I gathered from the news a mild prepper. She had the guns for home defense and often took them out and fired them. The son in question basically took them without her knowledge/permission and used one of them on her as he made his exit. From what I gathered neither of the guns were owned or regular used by any of her sons. They belonged to the mother and were legally purchased and registered to her as the sole owner.
Both the Pistols and the AR were owned and used by the mother. She was what I gathered from the news a mild prepper. She had the guns for home defense and often took them out and fired them. The son in question basically took them without her knowledge/permission and used one of them on her as he made his exit. From what I gathered neither of the guns were owned or regular used by any of her sons. They belonged to the mother and were legally purchased and registered to her as the sole owner.

And that shows just what registration does for society, not a damn thing.
What are the laws in Conn? First reports said no assault weapons and hand guns only after permit?

Google "Brady Campaign State Scorecard" it outlines the states firearms laws pretty well. The lower the grade the better. Connecticut was a "green" state meaning, almost free from the violence that evil guns bring down on society.
This guy hated his mother so much, he decided to kill what she loved after killing her.

There is no policy in the world that will prevent something like this. If we have a national discussion about dealing with mental illness, fine, but use of this tragedy to advance an agenda is disgusting.

My prayers go out to all the families effected by this... And I agree with captdave77, the core problem that must be addressed is the mental illness within the individuals taking such actions. Of course, we have a lack of capabilities in dealing with this in our country, and this is unfortunate for those in need. If this was not the case, it is likely many tragedies like this could be avoided...
One last thing before I go to bed. Can we all agree to stop using "Hi Cap" for standard capacity magazines, and leave the bull**** "assault weapon" thing in the past? I'm so damned tired of hearing that anti-gun rights propoganda get tossed around in the news, I think I'll puke if I hear it on here again.

Gnite all.

I agree. Why is it a gun is an assualt weapon but a knife is not an assualt weapon? Bias.. And how is it an AR is a military style weapon but a bolt action rifle is not? An yet the bolt action is still used in the military today. The evolution of military actions into civilian actions has been going on since the 1700s. A flint black powder was once a military issue and "military style". What needs to be done is that Americans have their full right to defend themselves any and everywhere.Gun Free zones are only so for those abidding the law. This Jack A** would not have attempted this attack on the innocent if he knew there was a person there onsight that could deter his efforts. This story is so upsetting! Christmas presents purchased for these angels will never be given. My passion of guns is now tainted by this idiot. He makes us all look bad. Find a cause and support it stop being indifferent! Bring back Asylums and fill it up with these sum bit****!
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