Did you know?

A person at the equator is traveling around the Earth at 1,037 mph
The Earth is traveling around the sun at 64,8000 mph
The Sun is traveling around the Milky Way at 517,500 mph
The Milky Way is traveling at 1,339,200 mph


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I had to do it. Animal House, one of my favorite movies of all time, celebrated its 45th anniversary on July 28th. Came out in 1978; the year I graduated high school.

Before my daughter headed off to college on athletic and academic scholarships, I made her sit down and watch the movie with me (we did fast forward through a few scenes). I wanted her to understand what some college guys are like. After the movie, she stared at me and said; "So all those funny sayings you use all the time came from the movie. You didn't make them up!" I told her I don't know if I've ever had an original thought. We laughed.
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