Do you want to end comments in the classifieds?

When I first came here(and this is only from my perspective, mind you), there was a better tone of respect, pm's were used more frequently for queries, comments and deals were made between two individuals. It seems now the snarkiness is evident even in the classified sections(not that I agree or approve of the gougers and the ammo prostitutes either), and throughout, folks seem to be brave, rude, and crass which I doubt they conduct themselves in person like this. The internet sometimes is like alcohol -makes folks brave and uninhibited in what they say due to the anonymity. Just "be yourselves", treat everyone with respect, laugh at the goobers from CL and stay tight. I frequent other sites also, but this is my favorite and if it continues to morph into one session after another it will go the way of the DoDo. Let us not shoot our wounded or misguided or infantile but try to guide them, then if they choose to continue, IGNORE button works well. My .02
I guess I am one of the "free market Capitalist" types, but I dont like to be defined as such. However, I will answer your question, yes I complain about food, gas, and just about everything. I have owned a business, owned one for 15 years, closed it and moved on to something else. I believe you should complain about prices and I dont call anyone a socialist because he/she does. What I find disturbing is that members, members I like and trust, find it necessary to post negative comments in another members ad. Not trying to stop the complaining about prices, just stop thinking you should be telling other people what they should or should not do. This thread is not about Captialism, Socialism or obamaism, it is about following the rules of this site. Either you do, or you don't. Your choice, your decision. Just as in life, there are consequences for your decisions. I may just be the idiot that you describe, but I will follow the rules of this site because I like being here. I don't feel like an infraction is a "badge of honor". I think it implies an inability to understand the rules, or a blatant disregard for them. If it is an inability to understand, that can be corrected. If it is a blatant disregard for the rules, fine, I will not have to worry about it, they will be gone.

I understand the rules of the site and suffered the consequences with an infraction. I'm cool with that. If people want to say, "stop complaining about prices in the thread, they can ask what they want", I agree. But some start calling people names such as the one's I've listed (Socialist, etc) because somebody doesn't like somebody else's prices. Those people are hypocrites, and IMO listen to too much talk radio and watch too much Fox news.
Except he is a dealer who is part of the distribution channels through wholesalers and manufacturers. If some guy was walking around with day old walmart ammo I'd gladly call him an asshole.
I guess that's the difference between us then....he has as much right to as much assholery as he can stomach...I just don't see the need to call him out on it.
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