Dog food diet...


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The Hen that laid the Golden Legos
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Sep 3, 2011
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Douglasville, Ga.
A man is standing in line at the grocery store with a bag of dog food. The woman in front of him, trying to start a casual conversation, ask him what kind of dog he has... The man replies, "oh I don't have a dog, I am going to try the dog food diet again".... she asks, "what in the world is the dog food diet?" He replies, "it's very simple, you just put a handful of dog food in your pocket, and snack on it all day, it is very nutritious, and you get used to the taste". The woman replied, "how good does it work?" The guy said, "not real sure, the last time I tried it I ended up in the hospital with all kinds of tubes and hoses attached to me". She said "oh my God, did the dog food make you sick?". He said............

Wait for it....

" No ma'am, I was sitting in the middle of the road, licking my balls, and got run over by a car...."
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