Florida . . . Now It Is Wild Monkeys . . .

Now come on ,your from Georgia and your afraid of monkeys,what YOU SAY?
From the story: “I started hearing this squawking and screaming along the shoreline and these large oak trees, several of the trees started shaking,” Ms Schrein said. “I thought, ‘Wow, Florida really is wild.’ I was just glad I was in a boat. When I found out they have herpes I was glad I was not anywhere near them."

I could go in a whole bunch of tangential directions with this but as near as I can tell ALL of them would result in my getting a hat.
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They have had this problem for a while, a few years back, a woman was attacked and killed by some wild monkeys. A small chimp is by far stronger than a human.
While I agree primates like the great apes are scary strong for their size I've never heard of monkeys killing a human in Florida.
We used to boat up the Silver River and see them, troops of them everywhere. We never had a problem with them. It is one of the most beautiful rivers I have been on, crystal clear water and lots of places to get to shore. We would routinely float/snorkel from just outside Silver Springs attraction to just before the boat ramp off HWY40.
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