Great Aussie ad.........

I remember one for Heineken back in the 70's.
An aborigine is in an open area.
He throws a boomerang. It doesn't return.
He throws more boomerangs and they don't come back.
The commercial ends and the program returns.
Next commercial set we see the aborigine's still in the field.
He throws another boomerang and it fails to return.
He cracks open a Heineken and takes a long drink.
He throws a boomerang again and this time all of the boomerangs he's thrown in both commercials return and knock him out.
I remember one for Heineken back in the 70's.
An aborigine is in an open area.
He throws a boomerang. It doesn't return.
He throws more boomerangs and they don't come back.
The commercial ends and the program returns.
Next commercial set we see the aborigine's still in the field.
He throws another boomerang and it fails to return.
He cracks open a Heineken and takes a long drink.
He throws a boomerang again and this time all of the boomerangs he's thrown in both commercials return and knock him out.

That’s no Aborigine but enjoy........
I remember a stripper in Bangkok Thailand, that would give you change by squatting down and the coins would fall out..Also one that could take a draw on a Marlboro and puff it out..
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