I'm delighted for all of you. Perhaps you could take it to the womans weekly web site or something similar though ?
How dare you enjoy life an post something funny an positive. Seriously, some people wake up and piss in their own cereal just to set the tone for their day, an you come along an ruin it. I mean realy, people work so hard on their online tough guy/grumpy arsed personas, and you are not getting away with it. Dammit
I've had to resort to that before!
That reminded me of a story I heard on the radio, apparently there's a woman in ATL who runs around her neighborhood and poops in people's yards every morning. Apparently it has become a problem as kids are watching her poop lol and they've started calling the cops on her...but they have to catch her in the act to charge her!!!
That reminded me of a story I heard on the radio, apparently there's a woman in ATL who runs around her neighborhood and poops in people's yards every morning. Apparently it has become a problem as kids are watching her poop lol and they've started calling the cops on her...but they have to catch her in the act to charge her!!!
DNA will prove your case! Just go out there and get a sample!
That reminded me of a story I heard on the radio, apparently there's a woman in ATL who runs around her neighborhood and poops in people's yards every morning. Apparently it has become a problem as kids are watching her poop lol and they've started calling the cops on her...but they have to catch her in the act to charge her!!!
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