Has our technology kept us from evolving?

I don't believe that the rise of the left and lowered IQ's are incidental to each other.

There is also a growing IQ gap. Highly intelligent people tend to have children with other highly intelligent people. Less intelligent people tend to do the same. The welfare state has subsidized several generations people who are generally less intelligent than average. Do a YouTub search for Stefan Molyneux and listen to some of his lectures on IQ and how it impacts society. A lot of it is pretty terrifying but there is ample evidence to back it up
I'm gonna sit back and wait for the "bible thumpers" to tell us how we jus magically f'in appeared outta nowhere.

Exactly... Evolution, something we can actually observe in nature and we have tons of hard evidence to support, is "crazy and outlandish"... but magic, seems perfectly plausible to them... LOL
I blame the single mother brigade. I was raised by a single mother but my dad was very much in my life kicking my ass when I screwed up keeping me on the straight and narrow

Discussing the impact of single moms on society is almost as dangerous as discussing the racial differences in IQ. (fun fact: white people aren't at the top)
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