Homeowner 4, bad guys 0!!

This news account says he used an AK47.
Seems 2 dead on scene, one found dead in a car, and two others wounded.
They also had weapons and fired some rounds at him in the house.
AK wins.
Also states he apparently knew them, so not random.


Well played sir. Well played. And liberals ask why we need semi automatic weapons with large capacity. Here is your answer. When multiple armed individuals force their way into your home intent on thievery and evil. Saving this link for the next idiot that tries to ask that question to make an asinine point.
They are all good boys.
They have never been into trouble before
The homeowner overreacted and should have spoke with these fine fellows instead of shooting them
Ban all guns so nobody dies from unnecessary means

Dey diddnt do nuffin
Nobody needs an 'assault weapon'. At least no civilian. It's 'common sense'.

Only criminals / felons are allowed to have assault weapons and obtaining them illegally is OK.
Because they had a rough life and the only thing they learned from society shunning them is how to steal and rob to survive. It's not their fault.
(per the liberals)
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