How to Convince the Spousal Unit


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Aug 17, 2010
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Columbus, MS
For the guys that have had to bring the wife around to the prepping way of thinking, how did you do it? What did you say? She's not necessarily against it. I put up some water and she appreciated my reasoning there, but she seems...reluctant would be the best description, to really take it any further. I can't go crazy with the prepping right now. I just don't have the space (We live on base), so maybe this will help me bring her in to the fold incrementally, vs buying 100s of pounds of rice and beans all at once. Any ideas, let's make that reasonable ideas, are appreciated.
Do it slowly. Make it fun, get her interested in self-reliance rather than disaster preparedness (same thing). My wife has recently gotten into gardening and is now creating container gardens on our back porch (in an apartment), which is teaching her to be frugal (buckets from walmart bakery, free), and also the importance of growing her own food and making the idea hers. We also went for a picnic this weekend in which we also took a trial run on a route to our "bug-out" location. It was actually alot of fun...and the route was terrible, so I'm glad we figured that out.
If she isn't already, then get her into hiking, Georgia has the Appalachian Trail which is a great place to work on hiking, camping, and roughing it basically.
Hope this helps, I just try to make everything fun for her. The best way to convince anyone of your views is by living your values rather than pushing your convictions.
One day I counted up all the food in the pantry just because I was curious about a total calorie count. She noticed the newly organized pantry and thanked me for it... I said that was just a byproduct of figuring out how many days worth of food were in the pantry.

Of course she asked how much we had... I said about 22 days for one person. Of course this lead to the "what do you mean one person" conversation. Since that day, I don't have to explain coming home from the grocery store with 15 pounds of pasta.
Good tips... my wife hasn't bought on either..... but she will be the one complaining when it happens..... my kids love camping and they are on their ways.....
You can't. My wife's slogan is "I love NOT camping". Roughing it in any fashion just isn't her thing. My wife would seriously rather die than have to "survive" anything. Without high quality food, modern conveniences, international travel, and access to the finest libraries in the world, life isn't worth living to her. I understand, it's all about preference.
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