is anybody into gold prospecting

I have access to a newly renovated creek in Dawsonville (just me though, no guests - SORRY).

Where should a person concentrate when panning? Below small waterfalls, below large rocks, inside corners, outside corners....
This thread reminded me that somewhere in this house is a full ounce of gold I panned. It took me about a zillion hours over the course of 3 years to get it.

I hid it when I moved out of my old place and when I got here I couldn't remember where I hid it.
That was 18 years ago and I haven't run across it yet, when I hide something I don't mess around.
This thread reminded me that somewhere in this house is a full ounce of gold I panned. It took me about a zillion hours over the course of 3 years to get it.

I hid it when I moved out of my old place and when I got here I couldn't remember where I hid it.
That was 18 years ago and I haven't run across it yet, when I hide something I don't mess around.

If I wad $1,500 laying around the house somewhere I would find it before I went to sleep tonight... Get your Flashlight, sawzall and ax and get to work.
I have access to a newly renovated creek in Dawsonville (just me though, no guests - SORRY).

Where should a person concentrate when panning? Below small waterfalls, below large rocks, inside corners, outside corners....
Anywhere the water slows down.
Inside bends are a good place, I like long stretches. Get to bedrock, but don't start where there is exposed bedrock, the gold needs something to get trapped behind and start working itself to bedrock, exposed bedrock rarely holds gold. I also have done well on gravel bars. One of the creeks I am working right now has a large gravel bar with decent gold less than an inch down, that gold was just deposited. With floods like we had a few weeks ago, creeks replenish themselves when the water is moving fast enough to rocks around and erosion of the banks into the creeks.
It is cool that you have your own private spot, we have gold on our hunting land in AL and we are the only prospectors there, when we leave our spot it looks that same when we come back if it hasn't rained a lot. We are dealing with claim jumpers now on the public land we go to now. People will dig your spot out and not give two ****s. so we are now using them to do our digging for us. They have no idea of what they are walking on, so we dig a decent hole then let them come behind us and dig it deeper,about a foot down from where they stop is a source that we have found and they have no clue. We also put a few fake nuggets out in easy spots for them to find.
If I wad $1,500 laying around the house somewhere I would find it before I went to sleep tonight... Get your Flashlight, sawzall and ax and get to work.

LOL, Man I have looked and looked and looked. When it went up to $1,800 I looked and looked again.
I give. Someday (hopefully) I'll come across it and have a good laugh at myself. I've also lost a big key ring with my dog tags on it in this house, I can't tell you how many times I've looked for them without success too.

One time when I was a kid I hid something in my room. I looked time and again for hours (I didn't want my parents to find it). Years went by, I joined the Marines and was home on leave. I was thinking I needed a camera to document some of the adventures that would lay ahead. I opened up the back of an old box camera and there it was! (It was still good, lol)

I've given up on hiding things, especially if I've been drinking. I'm way to clever or devious or something when I have a couple drinks in me, I know I'll never find it again, lol.
I've honestly given up.....
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Love these posts. This is something that I have gotten into over the last year. I did a little bit of panning on public land last year. I finally got access to a nice creek on private land in a proven gold zone and I am anxious to get into it. My first try will be this weekend. Fingers crossed.
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