Logging hunts and scoring hunts

Trout Slayer

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May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Lithia Springs
Does anyone here log their hunts? I log each and every hunt (all details like location, date, wind, times in and out, all animals, weather, etc) and also score my hunts based on a scoring system that I came up with. It really helps a lot to track what happens, decide stand locations later in the season, and also a fun way to make the hunts like a game.
I typically will get 3-6 hunts in a week (I'm lucky to have one of my hunting spots at my house so I can sneak in before and after work) so as far as the points system goes it pays to get in a good traffic area to score hunter points if I want to "win the game" for the season. Below is my scoring system if you are interested to try it out. I also follow QDMA standards when harvesting the animals. I also hunt with a longbow 90% of the time so "in range" for me is 40 yards with a bow and 200 yards with the rifle for an ethical shot.

See nothing = deer +1
See deer at distance = hunter +0.5 (1 point per hunt not deer)
See deer in range but don't take shot = hunter +1 (1 point per hunt not deer)
See deer in range shoot and miss = deer +1 (1 point per hunt not deer)
Shoot doe = hunter +3
Shoot buck = hunter +5 plus total scorable points on rack (button bucks have zero rack points)
Shoot deer and no recovery = deer +5
Bonus points for predator killed = hunter +0.5

After two hunts I my score is:
Hunter - 2
Deer - 0

I had one doe in range on Saturday morning and two fawns in range on Sunday morning.

I'd be interested to hear what other hunters do or if they even care. Haha
Here is an example of a log...

Home spot.
Day 2. Morning hunt. Clear sky and good north wind. In the stand just before shooting light at 6:40. 56 degrees when I got in the stand. Started off super slow. Got a little chilly at times. Squirrels were all over again. One was about to jump into my lap until I moved and he realized I wasn't a tree. Literally 5' from my face. Had debated on sitting all day but then decided since the wind was a north wind I'd come down at 11:00 and do a spot and stalk. Started playing poker on the iPhone and ended up just thinking I'd sit until I wanted or needed to get out. At 11:20 one of the sets of twins came in from the lake/east side. First the larger of the two came in and I got ready. Then I could see the second one coming in on a game trail. Based on trail cam pics their mom is usually with them and I decided that if she came in and offered a shot I'd take it. I was shaking already. Deer fever has been getting me. The twins ate for about 10-15 minutes and then continued on towards the west/ridge side. The mom never showed up. Got a few pics of the fawns. Decided to come down around 12:30 to watch the Falcons game. Another good day even though it was slow. Really really glad I decided to stay in the stand longer too. The fawns were alert and healthy but didn't ever wind me, hear me, or know I was there. Hopefully I'll get an evening hunt in on Tuesday.
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